
Thursday, July 5, 2012

9 Months (and 4th of July)!

Henry was 9 months old on Tuesday. My child's closer to being a toddler than an infant - boo! :(  But he's so stinking cute, I suppose I'll get over it.  He's still not a fan of sitting still, though.


As you can tell, he did not feel like taking pictures.  But I called in some help, and look at his face when his Dad rounded the corner....

 Someone sure loves their Daddy! Makes this Mama so happy.

I love, love, love this age.  He officially starting crawling on Monday, so Paul and I are really on our toes now!  I think he would have been crawling last week, but after spending 5 days with grandparents while we vacationed in Mexico, I'm not sure he was ever put down long enough to figure it out.  But now, he's OFF! And everything is in trouble, including my computer, which he's managed to type quite a bit of gibberish on in the past few minutes.

He loves his rocking horse! And is always trying to pull himself up on it - unsuccessfully, I might add.


Warning to parents who are going to buy these - they're a LOT of work for the parents.  I think I've built up a little ab strength recently due to this thing.

And I also love going to see him when he wakes up now.  He can't stand up yet, but is constantly pulling himself up on his knees.  This is who greets us when he's ready for us to come rescue him from his cage:

 Who wouldn't run to get this guy? Precious.

We also took Henry to a 4th of July parade on Wednesday.  I was concerned it wouldn't go over well because it was at 10:00 a.m.,which is one of HLM's nap times.  He LOVED it, though.  No meltdown, but he quickly fell asleep when he finally got down for his nap around noon.

All American boy.

 And Mamas, I found a trick for exhausting your child.  Take them to Home Depot, Lowe's, and then the grocery store in 100+ degree heat.  This is nap #3 of the day - brought on by shopping/heat exhaustion. :)

9-month stats:

Weight: 24 lbs 1 oz - 95%
Height: 31.0 in. - >100%
Head: 19.5 in. - >100%
Physical Exam Notes: Super big boy! (No kidding Dr. G - my lower back tells me this every night when I'm climbing into bed)

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