
Friday, October 3, 2014


My oldest turned three today.  Almost to the exact minute that I begin to type this post.  It's hard to believe there was ever life before Henry.  I feel like there are times I insert him into memories of things that happened long before he was born, which I've also found I do with Paul.  You can't believe how many times I've started to ask Paul if he remembers so-and-so from high school, or something that occurred during high school, only to realize as I begin my sentence that we didn't know each other yet.  Henry's the same way, and I've only known this little guy for three years!  Maybe it's that larger-than-life personality that demands constant attention that ends up leading to him being inserted into even distant memories!

We began our morning with an interview (it made a little more sense than last year's interview).  It went a little something like this:

1. What is your favorite color?  Dark blue.
2.  What is your favorite toy?  Turtles [I believe this is TMNT, but since he doesn't actually own one, I'm not exactly sure.]
3.  What is your favorite fruit?  Grapes.
Me: How many grapes have you eaten in your entire life? I think four?
Henry: No, only one. [This is probably true - the kid still fights us on fruit, although I believe he's consumed more in the last six months with bribery than in his prior 2.5 years combined.]
4.  What is your favorite TV show? Frozen.
5.  What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Hamburger.
6.  What is your favorite game?  Chutes and Letters [sic]. [I believe my mother tried to play this one time with him about 2 months ago, and he lost all interest after about 2 minutes and started running and jumping. I.e., normal Henry behavior.]
7.  What is your favorite snack?  Pretzel.
8.  What is your favorite animal? Frog.
9.  What is your favorite song?  Let it Go. [True dat, son. Demonstration below.]
10.  What is your favorite book?  Thomas. [Otherwise known as Mama's LEAST favorite books - they're more painful than the show, if that's even possible.]
11.  Who is your best friend?  David. [Oh, you mean the David at school who you are in constant battles with? Like the one you got in a serious shoving match with yesterday over the purple chalk?  You crazy kids and your interesting ways of showing affection.  Although David is truly a good friend because he did an awesome job helping Henry blow out his candles at school!]
12.  What is your favorite cereal? I like Kix.
13.  What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Cut grass. [Huh?]
14.  What is your favorite drink?  Lemonade.
15.  What is your favorite holiday? Riding on airplane.
Me: Well that's not a holiday.  A holiday is something we celebrate, like Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Easter.
Henry: Easter.
16.  What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Teacher. [No joke.]
17.  What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Oatmeal.
18.  What do you want for dinner on your birthday? I want chicken and cake and pizza and chicken and pizza. Two pizzas and two bags of pizza.
Me: Anything else?
Henry: No, that's all.
19.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  Turtle.
Me: A turtle?!? What do you want to do for work when you grow up?
Henry: Be a lawyer!
Me: Be a lawyer?!?!?  WHAT? Who do you know that's a lawyer?
Henry: I don't know..?
20.  What's special about you? Airplane
Me: Airplane? That doesn't make any sense?
Henry: [silence as he runs off to play with his airplanes.]

Henry's school spoiled him rotten and got him a zebra cake and zebra balloons.  They are truly the best!

Walter pretended like he was going to eat the cupcake, but ended up not consuming one bite.  What a strange child.  I'm pretty sure he's the only child on the planet that doesn't like cupcakes (or Bundtinis)!
And to keep up family tradition, we took Henry to the Texas State Fair to celebrate.  A trip to the State Fair must always begin with a train ride.

First stop is always Big Tex.  Mainly because everyone is immediately hungry as soon as they enter the fair and there's nothing better than a Fletcher's corny dog while sitting in front of Big Tex!
I still can't believe this boy is THREE!
These two were fascinated as soon as he began talking!
 But then they got bored, and Henry started digging for rocks and throwing them at the flowers. Which meant that Walter needed to do the same since he copies everything his big brother does.
A Ferris wheel ride was also necessary.  
Generally, Ferris wheel rides are pretty unexciting.  As we waited in line, there were quite a few empty rows separated by chains.  Henry and another boy his age were entertaining themselves by walking under the ropes and down the empty aisles.  Then, about five minutes later, Henry decided to sprint.  Unfortunately, about three rows in, he forgot to duck and proceeded to clothes-line himself on a chain.  I can still see it in my head in slow motion - his little head snapped back and slapped on the concrete, which was totally cringe-worthy.  Somehow, he managed to cry for all of five minutes, develop a tiny knot on the back of his head, and that was about it.  I can't BELIEVE he managed to keep his corndog down - I guarantee if that had happened a year ago, we would have been sprinting for the bushes because of all the hysterical crying..

All was well with the world by the time we boarded the Ferris wheel.  Walter wasn't quite sure what to think of the whole experience.

 Henry loved every single second.
And then it was time for my absolute favorite part - the Children's Network petting zoo.  

I think my mother saved approximately 10 paper cups from being consumed by goats.  Not the brightest animals.

 I've never seen a baby donkey before - adorable.
 Nice 'do.
Also got to see a baby kangaroo in it's Mama's pouch.  Fascinating.
I am thrilled to report that Teacher (known to everyone else as a Zebra) did not bite Henry this year.  He still talks about Teacher biting him last year.  It was quite a traumatizing experience.

We also tried something new this year - tried a little face painting.  I can't believe he sat still for it, but wonders never cease!

I think the ultimate highlight for both boys ended up being cotton candy.

Between the sugar high, late hour, and sun exposure, Walter didn't even make it to the car before he was out.
Both were out shortly after being loaded into the car.

Overall, Paul and I are so proud of the sweet little boy Henry has become.  While he is all boy, and regularly wild, he tries so hard to be well-behaved.  A common phrase from him, usually as he's being placed in timeout, is, "I want to be a good boy!"  Since he has difficult listening and following instructions, that doesn't always work out, but at least his intentions are good, right?!?  But I'm just thankful that he'll still climb in my lap, ask for hugs, and let me kiss all over him.  I know those days won't be around for long, so until them, I'll be doling out lots and lots of hugs and kisses.