
Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Let me just apologize for the ridiculous number of photos - Henry's been a busy boy turkey the past few days! 

Started with Trunk or Treat at church on Sunday.
 He never stood still long enough to get one without movement.
 Even turkeys get hungry.
 I was terrible about snapping photos of our buddies, but LOVED this one of Gilda and Jocelyn!
 He never watched where he was going, but just plowed through the crowd.
Tired boy.
He's also been busy at school getting ready for tonight's festivities!
Trick or Treating at school. I have laughed a LOT today at the photos of this crazy crew!!
Halloween party at school!!

 [Please note my child is the only one who is COVERED in food.  I am also sitting in front of the computer with some melted chocolate on the front of my shirt, thanks to this little guy.]
 Ready to go trick or treating at home!  We made it around the block, and Henry had a blast.  I've decided trick or treating is a fabulous way to meet your neighbors - there were a few people that lived behind us that we'd never met in person.  People are VERY friendly when your child is dressed as a turkey. :)
 We started in our car.
But it didn't last long (I think 1 house, actually).  Gigi and Papa picked up the car slack. :)
This baby has one good daddy. 

I hope everyone had a safe and fun night!! Paul and I already have our lights out, and our goal is to be in bed before 9:00 p.m. We know how to party.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Henry's gonna have a....


 [I think these 3-D ultrasounds are kinda creepy. Glad babies don't come out looking like claymation.  Paul and I do think he's going to look a lot like Mr. Henry Louis, though.]

Can't wait to kiss these sweet little feet.

We cannot wait to meet you face-to-face, Walter Samuel. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012


So this little one has me and Paul on our toes. He's learned what door handles are (scary - don't remember teaching him that),

that Oscar lives mostly outside and needs to be reminded of Henry's existence every now and then (hence the banging on the window),

and that if he stops putting up a fight over what I'm trying to feed him, cookies and various other goodies may just come his way.

There are no words to express the frustration that has become feeding time in the Meredith household. Henry just can't understand why "cuh-cake" and "cracker" (these two words encompass cupcakes, cookies, goldfish, Cheerios, graham crackers, etc.) are not appropriate meals. He had yet to ask for peas, corn, or green beans (though he will eat those). I'll keep you posted on that front - we're not holding our breath!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Meredith Baby #2!!

Although it's already official (in both real life and on Facebook), I thought I'd finally make it [blog] official.... we're expecting our second baby on March 22, 2013!!

We could not be more excited.  And below are answer to a few questions that have been posed by multiple people (I apologize if some of them seem inappropriate - clearly, they are not, as they have all been asked by more than one person):

1. Yes, we did this on purpose.  Our children will be 17 months apart and extremely close in age, but this is what we wanted. I promise!
2. No, we will not be planning a third baby 17 months after this one. We have vowed to take a few years off before we decide whether to have a third.
3. This is not a baby-of-Mexico.  I cringe because this seems wrong to say on so many levels.  Let me just say [again] that I put this out there, however, because it has been asked by multiple people. And by multiple, I mean more than 2.  In fact, one of our dear friends, who will remain nameless, said he will be able to tell if we're lying if the baby's first word is "Hola!"
4. We find out the sex on October 30th. I absolutely cannot wait.  I honestly cannot tell you whether I want a boy or a girl - there are 50 reasons I want both sexes, so I'm going to be thrilled with either.  We have our names picked out, and I cannot WAIT to find out so I can start referring to this sweet baby by a name, and not "it."

A few confessions from a pregnant woman:

1. I have cried more than once when the realization hit that Henry will no longer be the baby.  I blame such ridiculousness on pregnancy hormones.  I know I won't feel that way once I meet the newest baby face-to-face, but it seriously breaks my heart to think about it. Tearing up again, so moving on to the next confession...
2. All I want is carbs. I'm 18 weeks and thought it would stop after 12 or 13. No luck.  I've actually eating white rice with nothing but butter and salt for dinner.  And looking back, it's one of the best dinners I've eaten in the past few months.... mmmmm....
3. I felt terrible for the first 13-14 weeks. I can't complain too much because I never actually got sick, but wanted to more than once.  I could hug all my girlfriends that have been sick with all their pregnancies - ugh.
4. I am gigantic.  Never having lost all the baby weight from baby #1, it's only compounding with this one.  So to all of my dear friends out there, I realize I'm huge.  I haven't just let myself go, but merely let myself be invaded by a few figure-deforming, albeit precious, lifeforms.  I promise the gym and starvation are in my future, but not for a few months yet. :)  Don't lose faith in me!!

And because a blog post would never be complete without this sweet baby, here's a picture of what our life has become over the past few weeks:

This is what we call a temper tantrum in the Meredith household.  Is it obvious someone didn't want to leave the park earlier this afternoon? Ha!! Poor kid gets no sympathy from us.  And yes, we also got this on video (though I will spare all of you from watching it).  Love, love, love this kid.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

He's Walking!!

As of today, my baby is not a "baby," but a toddler.  I Googled it - definition: "A young child that is just beginning to walk."  Why is this such a devastating revelation for mothers? We pray, worry, and pray some more that our children will be blessed and not struggle with anything.  What a blessing that I have such a sweet, healthy toddler!!  I'm convinced that if I keep saying it and writing it, I won't feel so sad that he's growing up so fast...


For all the SAHMs that read this blog, please appreciate each and every day you spend at home with your little ones.  While I couldn't be happier for my child, his first official steps were taken out of my sight and out of my home. I did not think this type of thing would matter to me, but as I attempted to prepare for depositions tomorrow and tweak a motion, I had to do it through a tear-filled haze and soggy contacts.  I keep working so I can hopefully put this child through college and give him everything he needs, but it doesn't mean I always have to like it. And it doesn't mean that it's always easy.  I'm thankful that I actually enjoy my job and that I work with wonderful people that pretended not to judge me and gave me lots of hugs today.  Here's hoping tomorrow's a more cheerful day [for Mama]!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Paul and I have been amazed at how Henry's personality has come out over the past 3 weeks.  He's clearly trying to communicate with us, and even when we don't think he's paying attention to us, he seems to be quite aware of what's going on.  Paul and I were watching football and discussing a touchdown (no, this is not a normal conversation in our house), and Henry looks over at us and throws his arms up in the air.  We've been trying to teach him the touchdown signal for months, and it apparently sunk in at some point. Mental note, watch what's being said in his presence because it's apparently being absorbed on some level....

He also does not like to exit his new car once he's in it.

He's already had breakfast and a few snacks in the car.  Before becoming a parent, I'm not sure I thought I'd allow him to eat in a plastic car, but it's so cute to see him so attached to something that I caved.  I figured eating in a car is better than eating in front of television, right?!?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Birthday, Henry!

Henry's first birthday was technically on Wednesday, but his Mama woke up at 1:00 a.m. with a stomach bug or food poisoning (not sure which it was, but I will sum it up by saying it was terrible).  After 6 hours of being sick, I got to make a trip to Plano Presby since I was dehydrated and unable to keep any fluids down.  Apparently, October 3rd is a day for drama (and trips to Plano Presby) in the Meredith household! :)  My parents were awesome and stayed with me for the few hours I got anti-nausea meds and fluids, and helped nurse me/watch Henry while Paul worked. So glad they're so close!!!

After a few days of recovery, Grandma and Grandpa flew in from Pennsylvania for Henry's birthday weekend extravaganza.  Henry loved all the attention!

We celebrated Saturday morning, and Henry clearly had no idea what was going on.


[I stole this photo idea from a friend - thanks Mindy!]

 All the adults ate barbecue for lunch - Henry took a few bites but was not in the mood for eating.  Too much going on!

Gigi played "Happy Birthday" on the piano (which Papa had to download onto the iPhone since we didn't have the music).

 And Mr. Henry discovered his toy stash before we put it out to be opened......

 Love this picture of him laying on his giant stuffed horse.  He does this with his stuffed zebra, and it's so sweet!

Paul and I were thrilled to find out Henry is obsessed with his new car.  I thought it was a toy you pulled out of a box, but warning to all parents.  Don't believe such deceptions..... here's an idea of what we pulled out of the box a few weekends ago.

Three hours and a few not-safe-for-children words later, the car was put together (with fingers crossed it didn't collapse when we put him in it).  Whew.

And of course, here are a few cake pictures.  This baby had clearly eaten plenty of dessert before - he dove right in. ;)


 Uncle Grant borrowed some icing.....

Henry thought it was a good look for him.

Boy was he proud of himself!

We also braved the State Fair later that afternoon. It was pretty crowded, but the weather was awesome and PERFECT for fried foods!  Cold weather = food with high fat content.  Henry did pretty well for a completely over-stimulating day.  He LOVED the ferris wheel!


Happy birthday, little man! We love you more than you could possibly ever know.