
Monday, May 7, 2012

7 Months Old!

Our big guy turned 7 months old last Thursday. It's so hard to believe he's closer to age 1 than his actual birth!

This child does not sit still. Ever.  Which typically results in a few tumbles here and there.

Despite his falls, his spirit is clearly not broken. :) What a goober.

A few things I adore about him:
1. He exudes excitement and joy.
2. He loves being around people. And dogs. [Clearly my child.]
3. He is very willful. Yes, I know this will be very trying at times, but I handle a strong personality much better than a weak one.  He does not have a weak personality.
4. He goes to bed with a huge smile and wakes up with a bigger one.  It's been weeks since he woke us up crying.  And as long as he's in his own bed at home surrounded by his environment, the only sound we hear through the monitor is babbling.
5. He's just learned to clap his hands.  And he gets quite proud of himself if you clap with him.
6. He never has 2 socks on.  Usually one foot is covered in a sock and the other sock has been pulled off and is being chewed on.
7. Bath time has become a form of playtime - Paul and I are no longer dry when we exit the bathroom post-bath.
8. He loves to beat on things, especially the piano.  I'm considering digging some earplugs out of our closet for our next round of "music lessons."
9. When being held, he holds his arms straight back behind him, almost as though to balance himself out.  It looks ridiculous.
10. Most of all, when he gets excited, he holds his arms straight out to the side and twists his wrists.  It looks like he's riding an imaginary motorcycle, and it's funny every single time.

I swear that every month, Paul and I say he's at our favorite stage.  I'm certain a time will come when I reminisce about the good ole days.  But I don't foresee reaching that stage for quite some time.

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