
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Damaged Goods.

My sweet baby is bumped, bruised, scratched, and generally beat up.  And he has no one to blame but himself. 

Here, you can see the bruise over his right eye.  He obtained this while attempting to pull himself up and peek into the dryer.  Unfortunately, his arm gave out and he did a face plant directly into the metal.  Poor, sweet baby.  This is also a good shot of all his scratches.  When he does not get his way and he's a little sleepy, he tends to scratch and rub his face while crying.  Sometimes this results in temporary wounds that stick around for a day or two.


Here, you can see that his bottom lip is busted.  Yet again, an arm gave out (while crawling).  Hard wood floors - 1, Henry - 0.

And here, it's kind of hard to see on film (not as difficult in person), but he has a pretty impressive sized bump/bruise over his right eye.  Wanna guess how? Yup, you guessed it! Another encounter with the wood floors! Hard wood floors - 2, Henry - 0.

Maybe if I had a child that sat still for more than 2 seconds, he wouldn't be so beat up.  But then again, our lives wouldn't be so entertaining! Love this kid.  Can you tell he spends a ton of his time chasing poor Oscar around (these were taken over a 2 minutes span - Oscar couldn't find a spot to park for more than about 15 seconds)?

So Henry's had a pretty solid attachment to stuffed animals in general, but has recently become fixated on "teacher," the zebra from the Llama Llama books. Whenever "teacher" comes into sight, he starts flailing all his limbs and grunting until we hand him over.  He's also a necessity at naptime/bedtime.  Only a baby could fall asleep like this.

And Henry came to see me at lunchtime today! Sure makes this Mama happy.  He is most decidedly a fan of Potbelly chicken salad.  No surprise there - Yum!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to post this comment on my phone twice last night and somehow managed to close it in the same place before I could post it. Anyway: On Tuesday Will got a bruise in the middle of his forehead from busting thru the baby gate to escape the playroom. Then yesterday he scratched his forehead in the same spot. These two and Eli are going to be a force to be reckoned with at Thanksgiving! :-)
