
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Crazy, crazy month!

This month has been crazy. Between traveling, work, keeping up with a 14 month old, and ensuring I'm getting plenty of sleep before pregnancy insomnia kicks in, blogging updates have taken a backseat.  I also haven't even been that great about taking pictures, but here's a quick recap of our last month:

Henry and the other kiddos at school have started moving from the parallel play stage and are actually starting to act like buddies (they've also started snatching toys from each other and pushing each other down, but we'll keep this post all about the positive!). I thought Paul had staged this photo, but apparently, he walked in to visit Henry and lunch and found him and Sophia perched on the mat and holding a baby conversation. Too cute.

Yes, we're still obsessed with the zebra ("teacher"). But we also require a multitude of other stuffed animals in our bed to use as pillows.

Paul ran the Dallas Half Marathon, which started and finished at the Dallas Convention Center.  Henry got to visit the bronze stampede two days in a row, and LOVED it.  I'm thinking we may have to get some formal family pictures made here. For those that live in the Dallas area, if you're looking for free entertainment for your children, I highly suggest this.  They can run around and have a blast for hours here!


Gigi was actually there to help me on the day of the race.  It was so nice to have someone help chase this little guy around - he's such an active kid (boy, boy, boy), and unfortunately, I'm not as mobile (or quick) as I was a few weeks ago!

There's Paul (towards the back in blue)! Averaged an 8:00 minute mile, and ran right by us and high-fived Henry before the finish line.   So proud of him!  He's taking a few months off before he decides to sign up for any more races, which I secretly like.  This means no more alarms at 4- or 5-something!

Here's Henry "petting" a goat at our church's Night in Bethlehem.  Petting to Henry means patting or hitting, depending on his level of excitement.  "Easy, be gentle!" is a common phrase in our household when it comes to "petting" Oscar.

Henry has also started using various objects as telephones. Over a 5 minute span at my parents' house, he used a remote,

a cell phone, and 

his milk cup. Ha! He says "Hello" and then babbles incessantly. Paul and I think this is hysterical because we don't even talk on the phone that much! It's amazing how quickly children this age pick up on stuff!

And word to the wise, if you have stacking Santas, few of them will make it out in one piece with a toddler around.  :)

He's also started finding ways to entertain himself when he's done napping/sleeping.  He's regularly started throwing everyone (but teacher) overboard, and apparently, he also attempts to get naked. Ha!

And yesterday, we had Christmas with Gigi and Papa.  He actually participated and enjoyed ripping off paper!

And, of course, he loved his cars.  Such a boy.  

I hope everyone enjoys the next few days with their families as we prepare for Christmas!  Love this time of year!!!

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