
Monday, June 3, 2013

The winds of change...

We've had a couple of serious changes occur over the past week in the Meredith household.  Not only did I go back to work, but we also moved Henry into his big boy bed yesterday afternoon. :(  It took him a while to go down for his nap yesterday, but he's gone down without an issue the past two nights. My heart just breaks looking at this room without a crib.

I will say that I am thankful we've had such good luck with him sleeping in the bed so far.  Earlier tonight, he looked at Paul and I and said, "I tiiirred."  Huh? What 20-month-old tells his parents he's tired at 7:00 p.m., climbs into his bed, and goes straight to sleep?  

Big change #2 is that Walter moved out of our room and into his own bed on Saturday night. I had Henry in his own room at 6 weeks, and Paul basically had to force me to move Walter at 12.5 weeks.

Two nights later and I STILL don't like it. Not one bit. I liked him being within 2 feet of me, and now he's on an entirely different floor. 

If anyone discovers a way to stop time, even for just a little bit, will you let me in on the secret? I need to hold onto these two while they'll still let me!

In much less depressing news (at least for me), we finally made it to the neighborhood pool on Sunday! Henry squealed for an entire hour. Child LOVED the pool!!

He decided he was hungry after a few minutes, so we were glad we brought a snack.  And no, he did not get a cramp and drown after immediately running back to the pool.

Walter and I stayed in the shade and relaxed.

And he ate. Of course. :)

Someone also left their toys by the edge of the pool.  I don't have girls, but would guess these are princess wands of some sort.  My child, being a boy through and through, picked them up and proceeded to use them as weapons.  He was clubbing everything in sight.  But at least there were hearts and glitter involved with the beatings. Ha!

Sure do love these kiddos.

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