
Saturday, November 16, 2013

8 Months!

Walter turned 8 months old two weekends ago.  Whoops!  I told y'all I was behind.
 Yes, ladies, he is this cute.  I couldn't stand to take photos with his stupid helmet - that thing is seriously starting to annoy me.
We're so excited about life we just can't STAND IT!!!!
 And we are seriously obsessed with Oscar.  The second Walter sees him, he starts flailing like crazy (which can be a little hard on the back if you're not ready for it).  He squeals and screeches and laughs.  And also attempts body sacrifices off of chairs....
Oscar is so good with him too! Walter's at that age where he grabs stuff and doesn't let go.  This includes my necklaces, my hair, Oscar's hair, Henry's hair, etc.  Oscar just takes it like a man and still wanders within reach every now and then.

I would also like to officially predict that by the time we take our next photos, we will officially be mobile.  He's already semi-mobile - as I was working on this post, he was sitting about 3 feet away from me.  Before I realized it, he had somehow managed to scoot himself (while sitting) right up next to me and shove the TV remote in his mouth.  Fantastic.  He is also scooting backwards on his stomach, spinning in circles, and rolling from one end of the room to the other.  Yesterday was the first time I saw him actually get his knees under him and rock.  We could have two more weeks of freedom, or by this time tomorrow, I could officially have two mobile children - AGH!  

Walter has also started voicing his opinion.... big time.  If he's playing on the floor while Paul and I are doing something else, he sometimes gets the mistaken impression that if we walk towards him, we're going to pick him up.  He'll start grunting, and he does this weird thing where he lifts his feet off the floor so he's balancing on his bottom only, and sticks his arms straight out.  I believe he's under the impression this is perfect positioning for him to be picked up.  If we walk past him, however, he throws his arms down, looks straight up, sticks his lower lip WAAAAYYYY out, turns beet red, and starts yelling.  He also tends to add a few monster crocodile tears, which he manages to produce in about 0.5 seconds.  And let me confess..... it TOTALLY works.  I may be half dressed with my hair halfway in rollers, and I got sprinting to comfort him.  He typically stops crying immediately, and then shows his four goofy teeth.  No question, he is my littlest love.

Hope Paul's parents are ready for us to invade them next week!!!  Their house is about to get very full and VERY CRAZY!!!! :)

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