
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Henry's Adventures of Late

The past few weeks have been crazy busy, but they've been filled with lots of fun, smiles, and laughter.  A few weeks ago, Henry was on the cusp of being old enough to use his Baby Jogger.  I needed about 30 minutes to clean the house, so I begged Paul to try and take him and see how he liked it.   The prospect was obviously very exciting for Henry.

 The boys came back 30 minutes later, and it was a total success.  Henry loved it!

Henry also got to meet his Great-Auntie Elaine and cousin Madeleine.  They were only in town for a few short days, but we were glad we could swing by and snag lunch with them!

 Poor Madeleine - Henry took up the majority of her lap!

Here are a few pictures of Henry at Gigi and Papa's after church a few weeks ago.

 Henry LOVES being up in the air. He is 100% boy.  I don't think he has good enough head control to be tossed yet, but I can guarantee that he'll love it!

He's also become quite the little kitchen helper.  His two bottom teeth won't help him eat a cupcake, but you sure don't need teeth for icing! :)
 Here's the final product.  I may be on Weight Watchers to lose the baby weight, but I might as well feed the Bible Study ladies well.  And making it pretty never hurts!

And we've tried the whole rice cereal/oatmeal stuff, but didn't have a whole lot of success.  We've been sneaking him little tidbits from the table for weeks, and sweet potatoes a few weeks ago actually got some grunting and leg kicking.  Therefore, after sitting in traffic for over an hour tonight, I figured I'd bust out one of my Christmas presents I hadn't gotten to use yet and see if feeding Henry would cheer me up a little bit.
Henry was perched and ready to go. 
 We said open wide and this did not seem to be a problem.....
 TOTAL SUCCESS!  I did have to fish a little out of his nose, but he didn't seem to mind a bit. :)

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