
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

4 Months!

Where has the last month gone?!? I can't believe how fast time flies when you're chasing two little boys around between work, church, sleep, etc.  Walter has gotten so big and SO FUN this last month.  This child only cries when he's hungry (still!), and if he's not asleep, this is what he looks like:

Why the Lord chose me to mother this sweet child, I'll never know.  But I have stood over his crib and fervently said prayers of thanks for bringing him into my life.  He is such a joy.

He's also quite healthy! He got high marks from our pediatrician, and is growing like a little weed.  He's eating 6-8 oz. per feeding, which is wearing this Mama OUT. I would say I don't know where it all goes, but that would be a lie.  I've been pooped on at Chick-Fil-A, a friend's house, and on an airplane.  No, he doesn't need a bigger diaper.  Yes, we've tried every brand (except Luv's - they're always out of size 2s wherever I go). Doesn't matter.  Has my life really come to discussing poop on my blog? 

Walter's 4 month stats are:

Weight: 15 lbs, 8 oz. - 48% (improving!)
Height: 26.3 in. - 88% (improving!)
Head: 17 in. - 87% (the same percentile as his last appointment 
and no longer disproportionately large!)

Love these blue eyed boys! Henry is so gigantic that I can only hope Walter keeps growing - he's going to need to be big so he can defend himself when he and his brother inevitably get in a few brawls.  
Of course, Walter may just need to get bigger to defend himself from his easily-distracted older brother.  Here, he's distracted by the sticker.
 Here, he discovered Walter's foot was touching him, which he found to be unpleasant.
 Quick! Give him teacher so he forgets to care and doesn't shove Walter.
If Henry is within eyesight of Walter, Walter does not take his eyes off him.  Henry's free infant entertainment - it's fantastic! When Henry's not around, we just have to hand Walter a toy of some sort and he's happy to try his best to get the toy into his mouth.  

Can you tell we love Sophie (the giraffe) in this house? Best teether EVER.  Walter officially started teething and drooling about 2 weeks ago, which did not excite me.  Henry LIVED in a bib for 18 months (no exaggeration), so I'm hoping Walter isn't a non-stop drooler like his older brother.  Only time will tell.

He's also become quite the talker over the past month.  He seems to know if you've asked him a question, and will coo and gurgle for 30 minutes.  It's so sweet!  I don't remember Henry being so talkative so young, which makes me a little nervous... Henry never stops talking now, so I'm pretty sure my house will NEVER be quiet in the next year or so.

Walter has also continued to be a rock star sleeper. 
I think he woke us up in the middle of the night once this past month, and we've only had a handful of early mornings.  I don't remember the last time he cried when we put him in his crib, and the only different thing about him and Henry is that he will let me rock him to sleep if I want to.  I'm not sure I've rocked Henry to sleep 5 times in his entire life, so I allow myself to rock sweet Walter at least once or twice a week.  Fingers crossed he keeps letting me do it every now and then. 

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