
Monday, July 29, 2013

A visit from PA!

So Paul's Dad was due for some training at work, and he managed to get himself signed up for some training in Lewisville - that's just a little closer than New Jersey!! So while David was in training all week, and while I was at work (boo!), Beth and the boys went on lots of adventures!

First stop: Aquarium!!
Flamingos, or as Henry calls them, "MINGOS!"


Second stop: ZOO!!! (Henry refers to it as "The zoo!!!!" There must be a "the" and there must be more than one exclamation point.)

It was so nice to have Beth around to feed Walter at the drop of a hat. He was one happy boy all week long!
This child is OBSESSED with gorillas. OBSESSED!!!!!  He gets so excited to look at pictures of them, talk about them, etc.  And fairly soon after they get brought up, you will hear him pipe up and yell, "Bite you!" (which typically comes out "Bite choo!").  Yes, he's also obsessed with things that bite.  I blame this on the fact that the child was bit at daycare approximately 30 times this last spring.  I wish I was exaggerating.

If only he had an attention span longer than 5 seconds... maybe we could get a good picture. :)

Another bonus of having grandparents in town to help with the kiddos - you can actually get a few projects done. Like getting Henry's water table assembled!

 He LOVES it!
On Saturday, Henry had some extra energy to burn.  Best way to blow off steam? Jumpstreet, of course!!!!

Putting Grandma and Grandpa to work - "SWIIIINNNNGG!"
Showing Grandma and Grandpa the gorilla at the top of the bounce house.
Life with Henry Meredith: A blur!
 Quick snack break.
 Another way to burn some energy? SPLASH PARK!!

 Walter was super excited to be there. :)  See those thigh rolls?!? Yup, he's chunkin' up!

Snack time.

So glad Grandma and Grandpa could come for the week. Now to get them here permanently so the boys could hang out with them more often!!

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