
Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Let me just apologize for the ridiculous number of photos - Henry's been a busy boy turkey the past few days! 

Started with Trunk or Treat at church on Sunday.
 He never stood still long enough to get one without movement.
 Even turkeys get hungry.
 I was terrible about snapping photos of our buddies, but LOVED this one of Gilda and Jocelyn!
 He never watched where he was going, but just plowed through the crowd.
Tired boy.
He's also been busy at school getting ready for tonight's festivities!
Trick or Treating at school. I have laughed a LOT today at the photos of this crazy crew!!
Halloween party at school!!

 [Please note my child is the only one who is COVERED in food.  I am also sitting in front of the computer with some melted chocolate on the front of my shirt, thanks to this little guy.]
 Ready to go trick or treating at home!  We made it around the block, and Henry had a blast.  I've decided trick or treating is a fabulous way to meet your neighbors - there were a few people that lived behind us that we'd never met in person.  People are VERY friendly when your child is dressed as a turkey. :)
 We started in our car.
But it didn't last long (I think 1 house, actually).  Gigi and Papa picked up the car slack. :)
This baby has one good daddy. 

I hope everyone had a safe and fun night!! Paul and I already have our lights out, and our goal is to be in bed before 9:00 p.m. We know how to party.

1 comment:

  1. Girl it looks like Henry is in an AWESOME school -- they went all out!!! Happy Halloween from TN :)
