
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Birthday, Henry!

Henry's first birthday was technically on Wednesday, but his Mama woke up at 1:00 a.m. with a stomach bug or food poisoning (not sure which it was, but I will sum it up by saying it was terrible).  After 6 hours of being sick, I got to make a trip to Plano Presby since I was dehydrated and unable to keep any fluids down.  Apparently, October 3rd is a day for drama (and trips to Plano Presby) in the Meredith household! :)  My parents were awesome and stayed with me for the few hours I got anti-nausea meds and fluids, and helped nurse me/watch Henry while Paul worked. So glad they're so close!!!

After a few days of recovery, Grandma and Grandpa flew in from Pennsylvania for Henry's birthday weekend extravaganza.  Henry loved all the attention!

We celebrated Saturday morning, and Henry clearly had no idea what was going on.


[I stole this photo idea from a friend - thanks Mindy!]

 All the adults ate barbecue for lunch - Henry took a few bites but was not in the mood for eating.  Too much going on!

Gigi played "Happy Birthday" on the piano (which Papa had to download onto the iPhone since we didn't have the music).

 And Mr. Henry discovered his toy stash before we put it out to be opened......

 Love this picture of him laying on his giant stuffed horse.  He does this with his stuffed zebra, and it's so sweet!

Paul and I were thrilled to find out Henry is obsessed with his new car.  I thought it was a toy you pulled out of a box, but warning to all parents.  Don't believe such deceptions..... here's an idea of what we pulled out of the box a few weekends ago.

Three hours and a few not-safe-for-children words later, the car was put together (with fingers crossed it didn't collapse when we put him in it).  Whew.

And of course, here are a few cake pictures.  This baby had clearly eaten plenty of dessert before - he dove right in. ;)


 Uncle Grant borrowed some icing.....

Henry thought it was a good look for him.

Boy was he proud of himself!

We also braved the State Fair later that afternoon. It was pretty crowded, but the weather was awesome and PERFECT for fried foods!  Cold weather = food with high fat content.  Henry did pretty well for a completely over-stimulating day.  He LOVED the ferris wheel!


Happy birthday, little man! We love you more than you could possibly ever know.

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