
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Meredith Baby #2!!

Although it's already official (in both real life and on Facebook), I thought I'd finally make it [blog] official.... we're expecting our second baby on March 22, 2013!!

We could not be more excited.  And below are answer to a few questions that have been posed by multiple people (I apologize if some of them seem inappropriate - clearly, they are not, as they have all been asked by more than one person):

1. Yes, we did this on purpose.  Our children will be 17 months apart and extremely close in age, but this is what we wanted. I promise!
2. No, we will not be planning a third baby 17 months after this one. We have vowed to take a few years off before we decide whether to have a third.
3. This is not a baby-of-Mexico.  I cringe because this seems wrong to say on so many levels.  Let me just say [again] that I put this out there, however, because it has been asked by multiple people. And by multiple, I mean more than 2.  In fact, one of our dear friends, who will remain nameless, said he will be able to tell if we're lying if the baby's first word is "Hola!"
4. We find out the sex on October 30th. I absolutely cannot wait.  I honestly cannot tell you whether I want a boy or a girl - there are 50 reasons I want both sexes, so I'm going to be thrilled with either.  We have our names picked out, and I cannot WAIT to find out so I can start referring to this sweet baby by a name, and not "it."

A few confessions from a pregnant woman:

1. I have cried more than once when the realization hit that Henry will no longer be the baby.  I blame such ridiculousness on pregnancy hormones.  I know I won't feel that way once I meet the newest baby face-to-face, but it seriously breaks my heart to think about it. Tearing up again, so moving on to the next confession...
2. All I want is carbs. I'm 18 weeks and thought it would stop after 12 or 13. No luck.  I've actually eating white rice with nothing but butter and salt for dinner.  And looking back, it's one of the best dinners I've eaten in the past few months.... mmmmm....
3. I felt terrible for the first 13-14 weeks. I can't complain too much because I never actually got sick, but wanted to more than once.  I could hug all my girlfriends that have been sick with all their pregnancies - ugh.
4. I am gigantic.  Never having lost all the baby weight from baby #1, it's only compounding with this one.  So to all of my dear friends out there, I realize I'm huge.  I haven't just let myself go, but merely let myself be invaded by a few figure-deforming, albeit precious, lifeforms.  I promise the gym and starvation are in my future, but not for a few months yet. :)  Don't lose faith in me!!

And because a blog post would never be complete without this sweet baby, here's a picture of what our life has become over the past few weeks:

This is what we call a temper tantrum in the Meredith household.  Is it obvious someone didn't want to leave the park earlier this afternoon? Ha!! Poor kid gets no sympathy from us.  And yes, we also got this on video (though I will spare all of you from watching it).  Love, love, love this kid.

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