
Friday, August 9, 2013

Gigi's House

My parents live up the street from us. Literally, up the street.  Our house faces directly up their street, and 9 houses down on the left is my parent's house.  We didn't plan or plot to be this close, it just so happens that there were 2 neighborhoods in Allen where we wanted to live (my parents live in one), and the ideal floor plan within our budget happened to be 9 houses down the street. Bonus (and yes, Paul thinks this is a bonus as well)!! 

One of the first things I do when I go into Henry's room to wake him up is open his blinds. He usually runs right to the window, peeks through the blinds, and says, "gigishowwwwse." It's all one word with a slight country twang.  And who WOULDN'T want to go to Gigi's house? There are fudgsicles,

Vintage toys,

New toys,
And undivided attention with your BFF.

When we ask Henry who lives at Gigi's house, he grins real big and says, "Papa!!"  Ha!  Sorry, Dad, it appears you're only a roommate. 

A few days ago, I was on the phone with my Mom on the drive home from work and she said Paul was beeping in.  When your husband is at home with 2 children under 2 around 5:00 p.m. and he's calling Gigi and Papa, that means there's some excitement going on at home!! :)  When I walked in the back door, Henry and Paul were getting ready for bed and Gigi was standing in the middle of the living room rocking Walter (who had some seriously impressive red and puffy eyes). The benefits of having Gigi and Papa close? When your youngest has a 30-minute meltdown for seemingly no apparent reason during your oldest's dinnertime, you call in reinforcements!!  They have been such a blessing, and there isn't a price for my children having such a close relationship with their grandparents from such a young age.  They're dinner buddies, zoo buddies, and church buddies. Makes my heart smile.

[NOTE: As my blog buddy, Walter, rolled around and played with his toys next to me while I typed this post, I decided to check his gums again.  He woke us up at 5:30 a.m. this morning, and I've been convinced he's about to get a tooth. Esp. after a few completely random crying fits (see story above).  Well, it's official!! His first tooth popped through!!!! Yay!!]

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