
Thursday, October 11, 2012

He's Walking!!

As of today, my baby is not a "baby," but a toddler.  I Googled it - definition: "A young child that is just beginning to walk."  Why is this such a devastating revelation for mothers? We pray, worry, and pray some more that our children will be blessed and not struggle with anything.  What a blessing that I have such a sweet, healthy toddler!!  I'm convinced that if I keep saying it and writing it, I won't feel so sad that he's growing up so fast...


For all the SAHMs that read this blog, please appreciate each and every day you spend at home with your little ones.  While I couldn't be happier for my child, his first official steps were taken out of my sight and out of my home. I did not think this type of thing would matter to me, but as I attempted to prepare for depositions tomorrow and tweak a motion, I had to do it through a tear-filled haze and soggy contacts.  I keep working so I can hopefully put this child through college and give him everything he needs, but it doesn't mean I always have to like it. And it doesn't mean that it's always easy.  I'm thankful that I actually enjoy my job and that I work with wonderful people that pretended not to judge me and gave me lots of hugs today.  Here's hoping tomorrow's a more cheerful day [for Mama]!

1 comment:

  1. being a once full-time working mom who traveled I am so sorry you missed this big moment. soo glad you have it on video! praying you will be able to have many more "firsts" at home, with both parents present :) love you and praying for you from afar!!!! Trusting in God's perfect plan for your family and soo excited for baby #2 soon to follow! Hope you know there are many more great days ahead!!!
