
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Paul and I have been amazed at how Henry's personality has come out over the past 3 weeks.  He's clearly trying to communicate with us, and even when we don't think he's paying attention to us, he seems to be quite aware of what's going on.  Paul and I were watching football and discussing a touchdown (no, this is not a normal conversation in our house), and Henry looks over at us and throws his arms up in the air.  We've been trying to teach him the touchdown signal for months, and it apparently sunk in at some point. Mental note, watch what's being said in his presence because it's apparently being absorbed on some level....

He also does not like to exit his new car once he's in it.

He's already had breakfast and a few snacks in the car.  Before becoming a parent, I'm not sure I thought I'd allow him to eat in a plastic car, but it's so cute to see him so attached to something that I caved.  I figured eating in a car is better than eating in front of television, right?!?

1 comment:

  1. oh my girl! he is adorable! i love that he slams that door back shut! too fun, each stage gets better and better!
