
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

6 Month Check-up!

We went to the doctor today. Again.  But this time, it was only for a well visit - yay!  Nevermind that Henry tagged along because he's been running a fever since he arrived at school yesterday morning.  Well, we figured out he was running a fever only at school only after he upchucked all over the sidewalk on his way in. But I digress.

Henry loves going to see Dr. G because that means he gets "pop-pops" (lollipops), "steekers" (stickers), and he gets to watch "MEE Mouse" (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse).
 Walter could barely contain his excitement.
 We found books with airplanes and trucks in the room - we were entertained for a whole 4 minutes!  Once those got boring, we skipped, marched (while we sang "The Ants Go Marching"), and counted how many jumps it took to go from one side of the room to the other.  <Sigh.> Boys.
 Walter got his measurements, and the first thing Dr. G said when he came through the door was, "Well, I'm concerned about Walter's growth."  My heart hit my stomach and I must have had a dumbfounded look because he quickly grinned and said, "Just kidding!"  Apparently, Walter's working to catch up to his brother.
Walter's 6 month stats:

Weight: 19 lbs, 5 oz. - 79% (up from 48% at his 4 month)
Height: 28.3 in. - 96% (up from 88% at his 4 month)
Head: 18 in. - 96% (up from 87% at his 4 month)

We then got two shots, and I am not exaggerating when I say that he cried for about 3 seconds, and then looked right at the camera with this look:
 Yes, he is that sweet. And that happy. He is the light of my life. I want to kiss that double chin right this very minute, but will refrain since he's sleeping peacefully upstairs.  And unless something weird happens, I don't expect to hear from him until we wake him up at 6:30 a.m. for school. What a rockstar.
We still haven't conquered sitting up on our own.  I tried working with him on it today while I was home with Henry.  I want to make sure he has a little independence, but is also not a danger to himself, so I had him on the floor between my legs so that if he fell back, he'd fall into my lap.  He never really does a face-plant into the floor like Henry did, so I only really worry about him flying backwards and hitting his head.  At one point, I turned to say something to Henry (because he was doing something crazy). I don't really remember what he was doing, but it got Walter all excited, which then caused him to perform some kind of gymnastic/cirque du soleil maneuver where he went from basically sitting cross-legged to launching himself forward (he went from sitting to standing to flying face first) INTO THE BASE OF HIS WALKER! AGH!  I mean he did a face-plant onto his walker.  To say the child cried screamed is an understatement  Poor, poor baby.  I already have one child that's a danger to himself and most around him - now I have TWO!?!?!  Lord help me. I mean that.  That is a written prayer.  He ended up with only a minor bump, but I'm not sure how he doesn't have a permanent dent.  Of course, we do have a helmet appointment on Monday (yes, my child has a flat head - stupid "Back is Best" movement), so they may inform me he has some weird indentation on his forehead when they do the analysis. We'll see!  Until then, I'm going to kiss all over this sweet head in case he needs one and then I'm stuck looking at a helmet head for a few weeks/months.

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