
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

6 Months!

Walter is halfway to his first birthday and I feel like I just delivered him!  It goes SO MUCH faster the second time around, and I want it to go so much slower the second time around.  I want to freeze time rigggghhhhttttt NOW:

Look at those sweet little teeth coming through.  He hasn't cut any more since his first two popped through in a 5-day span, but I'm expecting his top teeth any day now.  We are still drooling constantly, and put anything within arms reach in our mouth.

Other than the few days he was really sick with his ear infections last week, the child still smiles all the time.  I mean, ALL the time.

I can rarely make out his eye color cause his eyes are constantly squished by his giant cheeks from his grins.  This typically results in me getting distracted from whatever I'm in the midst of doing and forces me to stop and kiss all over this kid.  I swear the child gets 50 kisses every hour he spends with me. It doesn't help that he's super ticklish and ends up laughing hysterically.

Walter is absolutely enamored with Henry.  He just can't get enough of him, and Henry has finally started to interact with him in the last month.  It's so precious (an unnerving at times) to watch.  He pretty much ignored Walter his first 3 months of life, acknowledged his existence the next two months, and seems to actually like him beginning about a month ago.  I mean, clearly, we should rip the sticker off the chair and put it on Walter's head.
 Now Henry's head (which Walter eventually thinks is hilarious...?).

 Now back to the chair.
 And then we asked him to kiss Walter's forehead.  Somehow, that turned into an almost violent headbutt...
 Followed by a kiss on the mouth (no wonder they both got sick).  Paul grinned really big when he saw this picture and said, "Oooooo.... they're going to HATE this picture in a few years." Ha!
 And while Paul and I almost panicked by the headbutt/kiss moment, Walter laughed for a solid 30 seconds after. And Henry was quite proud of himself.  Goobers.
We followed our photo shoot to a trip down to the Master bathroom for bath time since I'm in the midst of redecorating their bathroom.  Henry proceeded to entertain Walter while we waiting for the bath to run.
Love those laughs!  I'm so blessed to have another little human filling my house with laughter and utter joy over nonsensical activities, such as jumping on an unmade bed!

I suspect this next month is going to be a blast.  We've started Walter on some real food, and so far, he's a fan of applesauce and bananas.  We'll see if he attempts to be a picky eater like Henry.  Poor kid tries to be picky but he has an equal match in stubbornness with me. I don't have the time or patience for a picky eater. Humph.

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