
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

As we adults prepare our hearts to celebrate what I consider to be the most important of Christian holidays, we also participate in various traditions with our children.  And what fun traditions they are!

First, you have to have a good Easter egg hunt.
Unfortunately, I've come down with some nasty virus and was laid up on the couch at home with Walter while Paul took Henry to the church Easter egg hunt. I've been looking forward to the hunt for weeks, so I was feeling seriously terrible (thank goodness for Zofran and Ibuprofen!).  Paul said the kiddos were limited to only 6 eggs each, so he spent most of the time picking eggs out of Henry's basket and putting them back on the ground while Henry focused on filling the basket.  I love that he's at an age where he's oblivious to these type of things! 

After the hunt, you've gotta check out the bounce house!!

Apparently, Henry had a very difficult time staying on his feet. Paul said he got a little timid, would sit and start to inch towards the exit, and would then change his mind last minute and turn around and head back in to attempt to jump again.  He said this went on about 10 times before he decided to pull Henry out before he got hurt. 

Then, assuming you've been a sweet boy, you must get a visit from the Easter bunny. Even if you find him terrifying.

While Walter has a matching basket, I didn't actually fill it or get him anything. We'll save that fun for next year!

And finally, to round out the Easter traditions, you've gotta pose for pictures. Lots and lots of pictures!

And I feel as though a disclaimer is in order before the remaining photos are seen: yes, I realize I look completely disheveled.  Let it be noted I have yet to kick whatever it is that I've come down with, and Paul and I managed to get ourselves and our children ready and out the door in 30 minutes for church.  It was an EASTER MIRACLE that we made it to church before service started.

And most importantly, praise to Him for the ultimate sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ.  He is Risen!!

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.  Romans 6:8-11

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