
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

2 Months!

While I'm way behind and have failed to post many adventures over the last few weeks, I did want to share my littlest one's latest monthly pics and stats. 

This Mama is proud to say that Walter is growing and growing! When he turned 8 weeks old, Paul and I felt like we suddenly looked down and had a sturdy little baby on our hands. His 2 month stats are:

Weight: 12 lbs, 2 oz. - 42% (improving!)
Height: 23.3 in. - 58% (improving!)
Head: 16 in. - 87% (still disproportionately large!)

I always refer to this little guy as our rockstar.  He is just awesome.  He has the sweetest disposition, and seems relaxed most [95%] of the time.  He rarely gets upset, and when he does, it's because he's hungry, tired, or he's just been given a shot and wants to be held.  All of these are pretty easy fixes!  

And despite my earlier lectures, he keeps rolling from front to back.  Generally, I don't think he's a fan of being on his tummy.  But sometimes he doesn't seem to mind....
But when he's not falling asleep on his tummy, he's screaming and flailing his legs until he gets himself on his back.

And compared to Henry, he has fantastic neck control.  I haven't picked up a single baby book with Walter, and have forgotten absolutely everything.  I'm winging it with this one (fingers crossed he comes out okay). I cannot remember how old babies are when they get in the Bumbo, but I decided to give it a shot and see what he thought.


It didn't take long to get a huge grin out of him!  

Since his line of vision tends to be from a propped up or laying down position, he really took advantage of being able to actually move his neck and see all over.  He is not quite ready to be put in the Bumbo for more than a few minutes, but he definitely seemed to enjoy this form of neck exercises more than tummy time.  

At this point, the only thing we really need to work with him on is putting himself to sleep.  Since my oldest child did not want to be held or rocked when he got tired, we were always able to just put him down and let him go to sleep without so much as a peep from him.  This guy puts up more of a fight, and does prefer to be held and rocked by me while I'm standing.  He likes being rocked in the chair sometimes, but seems to prefer that I do all the work.  I still can't complain since he goes to sleep in about 2 minutes and then lets me put him down, but my pediatrician told me we should start making him "soothe himself."  Easier said than done.  Maybe we'll wait until after my maternity leave is over.  I think maternity leave is a time for spoiling babies, right Mamas?!?
And I'm sad to say that I only have about two and a half weeks left with this little one before I head back to work.  I'm terrified of how much busier life is going to seem with two little ones and a job, but I keep reminding myself that women do it every day. Here's hoping most women are as put together as they seem and that I can manage some type of normalcy/organization/calmness in our household.  We'll see how that goes!

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