
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Farm Visit

We decided to take a last minute trip to the farm last weekend, and the boys did awesome!  I think Paul and I were worried about the drive and how the boys would handle being in their car seats for a 7+ hour tip.  We made sure to get them out of their seats a few times for extended periods, and that seemed to do the trick.  Granted, our trips turned into 10 hour trips, but 10 peaceful hours are a whole lot easier than 7 crazy hours. :)

We were glad Nana was able to spend more time with the boys (she and Mr. Jim came to visit us in Dallas a few weeks ago)!  There are no pictures of her and Henry because Henry has some serious stranger danger!  He would wave at her across the room, but we couldn't get him to actually get close and spend any quality time with her.  Kids can be so weird!
  Henry loved, loved, loved the tractors, though he couldn't quite press all the buttons and pull all the levers on the larger one...
 One of the few shots where Henry actually looked at the camera while he was saying, "Cheese!"  Typically, he says it while looking in the opposite direction. Ha!
 This tractor was more Henry's size.  He could actually climb up here on his own and cause a ruckus.
 Here, Henry was yelling at the fire ant beds.  The farm was overtaken with fire ants this trip, and we quickly had to teach Henry that fire ants are bad and that they bite.  This lesson involved us wagging our fingers and saying, "No, no, no!", which resulted in Henry stopping at every single fire ant bed he spotted and saying "No, no, no!"
 This is him after doing a face plant into some mud.  Fortunately, we had no real injuries on this trip.  When we were kids, there was always someone who seemed to need stitches....
 Teaching my tentative child the joys of frosting from the can as I made Mama a cake for her birthday.  It sure is hard to beat a Duncan Hines cake!  He warmed up to the frosting quite quickly, but only after checking it out first.
 Henry has only shown signs of jealousy with Walter when my Mom holds him.  He has to run over every now and then to make sure she hasn't forgotten about him.
 Since a trip to the creek is probably the equivalent of a 4 mile walk for Henry, we decided to give him (and his escorts) a lift after he was halfway there.
 It was a last minute decision to head down there, so I did not wear my boots.  I hired a sherpa to take me from sandbar to sandbar. :)
 These are my people.  Only missing my siblings and Lauren - wish they could've made it!
 Love our family of four!
 Happy birthday, Mama!
 Henry was not scared of the creek one bit - can you tell from his pants?!?  Time to get this child some swimming lessons!
 Solution to cold wet pants: LOSE THE PANTS!!
 It finally warmed up the last day we were there (what's up with it getting into the 30s in May?), so we took full advantage!  These two look like they could get in some trouble together.

 Kiddo loves hoses and water.  Cheap entertainment - especially when the water comes from a well and you don't have to worry about a water bill!


So glad Henry enjoyed the farm.  Walter didn't seem to mind, but then again, he pretty much seems to be okay with whatever it is we're doing.
Be still my heart.  I always wonder what these two talk about when they wander off on their own like this....

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